1. Report -

    Healthwatch Somerset Annual Report 2017-18: A review of our work over the past year and its impact, plus our work planned for 2018-19.
  2. News -

    New Healthwatch Somerset volunteer Stephen Sharples is urging people in Somerset to be more actively involved in the decisions around their health and wellbeing
  3. News -

    People with a passion for seeing local health and social care services changed for the better are being sought by us, the county’s independent health and social care champion.
  4. News -

    Share your experiences of local health and care services and make it better for everyone – that’s our message as we celebrate our fifth birthday next week (April 1).
  5. Report -

    Every year Healthwatch Somerset (HWS) Board and Staff members gather information about the delivery and efficiency of local health and social care services. Using the intelligence collected over the course of 12 months, alongside wider national considerations, the HWS Board discuss possible key projects for the next year. As HWS exist to represent the voice of the people, we want to ensure that the key project selections for the year 2024/25 are robust and accountable to those they are intended to inform. Therefore, the shortlist for the 2024/25 projects were publicly shared, and people were given the opportunity to vote on their two preferred subjects. This brief report explains the methods and findings from our public investigation.