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Rethink Advice Day

Writer: Healthwatch SomersetHealthwatch Somerset

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

We gave a presentation on our patient and public engagement at this advice day hosted by Rethink to raise awareness of Healthwatch and our work.

Key findings

  1. Concerns about poor discharge management from Western General Hospital. Commentator has early stages of dementia and lives on their own with no family or friends they can call on. They were discharged late at night from General western Hospital and struggled to cope with settling in back home.

  2. The Red Cross at Western general Hospital had been involved in a successful discharge experience by supporting the patient to settle in back home ensuring the patient bathroom was clean and that they even picked up some essential shopping.

  3. We heard about a poor experience at Musgrove Park Hospital, Gynaecology department; the patient felt ignored by the consultant and was given information about their results while still woozy from the anaesthetic, with no opportunity to discuss them later.

  4. We also heard from members of the public who asked questions about the different ways that people can give feedback about services.

This report was produced by the previous Healthwatch Somerset service provider, The Care Forum.

Read our report

If you need this report in a different format, please email or call 0800 999 1286.

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