We have been talking to local people about their experiences and views of accessing care at GP surgeries in Somerset. This report tells you what people said when we spoke to them about this.
Key messages
The survey results showed that 70% of people booked their appointments over the phone with the next most popular booking method being face-to-face.
More respondents said the booking process worked well.
When asked “What could be done to improve your experience of booking an appointment?” the most popular response was an increase in appointment availability.
A significant number of people we spoke to were not satisfied with the length of time it took to answer the phone when they called the surgery.
Some people like to see the same GP at each visit because of the personal relationship they have created. This is particularly so for those with mental health issues.
Some respondents were prepared to wait longer for an appointment in order to see their preferred GP.
Some people told us they were not comfortable being triaged by reception staff.
Many people who were satisfied with their continuity of care were seen by the same medical professional.
Read our report
If you need this report in a different format, please email info@healthwatchsomerset.co.uk or call 0800 999 1286.