Somerset Carers Engagement Project

We are working with Evolving Communities CIC to deliver the Somerset Carers Engagement Project, independently on behalf of Somerset’s Integrated Care System which includes Somerset County Council and NHS Somerset.

Through this project we are supporting unpaid carers (adults and young carers) to have their voices heard by the people who buy and run health and care services in Somerset. We are working together to review and renew Somerset’s Commitment to Carers. It will be formally adopted in 2024 by the Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB) and will inform and influence all other strategies, commissioning decisions and service developments in the future.

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Improving support for people with COPD in Bridgwater

Respiratory disease is a major cause of ill-health and death in Somerset, and there are more cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Bridgwater than many other areas of England and the county.

We are working with Evolving Communities CIC, independently on behalf of NHS Somerset, to help Bridgwater residents who have COPD to live healthy and full lives. We are connecting with local people to understand what support is needed to help those with COPD get information, access health and care services, and take action to live well.

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Same day urgent care in Somerset

The NHS is reviewing how urgent care is provided in Somerset. This is care for people who need treatment for an urgent problem that has been caused by an accident or illness. Urgent care might be provided, for example, by your GP, minor injuries unit, 111, pharmacy, dentists or opticians.

We have been working with Evolving Communities CIC to gather the views of people from across the county to inform how urgent care is provided in the future. We are currently analysing public feedback and our reports will be published in late 2023.