November 2023

Living well with COPD (Bridgwater focus group)

Our meetings
Victoria Park Community Centre, Bridgwater
Thursday 30th November, 2023 - 10:00 to 15:00

About this event

We are working with Evolving Communities CIC, independently on behalf of NHS Somerset, to help Bridgwater residents who have COPD to live healthy and full lives.

We are connecting with local people who have COPD, as well as their families, friends and carers, to understand what support is needed to help those with COPD to get information, access health and care services, and take action to live well.

We are looking for people with COPD who live in Bridgwater to join our focus group discussion. £25 vouchers will be provided to those who are invited to attend, and if you volunteer to become a Community Connector or to feature as a case study, you will be entered into a prize draw and could win a £100 supermarket voucher.

Contact details

If you are interested in joining the discussion group, please send your name and contact details to Wendy Coward, Project Coordinator, by email: wendy.coward@healthwatchsomerset.co.uk or text 07884 370503.

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