May 2022

Dying Matters Awareness Week

Community events
Monday 2nd May, 2022

About this event

Dying Matters Awareness Week is our chance to get our community talking about dying and grief. We want everyone to be #InAGoodPlace when they die – physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and crucially, with the right care and support. Right now, we know that people are dying without the support they need.

Since the start of the pandemic, it is estimated that almost 70,000 people have died at home without access to specialist care. The past two years have accelerated this issue like never before. We know that it’s by talking, and by sharing stories, that we can change the conversation about death. When we talk about dying and grief, we remove the taboo and stigma that have for too long surrounded these topics, and we can also better understand what’s happening in our communities so that political and healthcare leaders know what is needed to make end of life care accessible to everyone in the UK. Dying Matters Awareness Week is our chance to join the Dying Matters movement – to get talking about death and dying, and to call for end of life care for all.

Let’s talk about dying and grief, and our plans for the end of life, so that everyone can die #InAGoodPlace, no matter who they are.

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