March 2022

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Community events
Various locations
Tuesday 1st March, 2022

About this event

Make Time for Tea this March for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and help raise awareness and prevent gynaecological cancers.  More women die from ovarian cancer than any other gynaecological cancer. It is often diagnosed during its later stages, and The Eve Appeal are here to raise awareness of its signs and symptoms to help change that.

In the UK nearly 7,500 women and people with ovaries are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year and it is the 6th most common cancer in women. Ovarian cancer research is underfunded and its symptoms little-known about. We want you to help change that this Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (OCAM) by holding a Make Time for Tea party.  So pop the kettle on, dust off your cake mixers, hang up the bunting and help fund life-saving research for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month this March.  It doesn’t matter whether you bake or buy, every bake sale, coffee morning or tea party held will help raise funds for the prevention of gynaecological cancers.

What is Ovarian Cancer?

Cancer of the ovary is most common in post-menopausal women, although it can affect women of any age.

There are many types of ovarian cancer, with epithelial ovarian cancer being by far the most common form. Other types of ovarian cancer are germ cell, clear cell, stromal cell, mucinous and smell cell ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer are often the same as for other less serious conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), it can be difficult to recognise the symptoms in the early stages – which is why most women are not diagnosed until the disease has spread.  However, there are 4 main ovarian cancer symptoms that are more prevalent in women diagnosed with the condition:

  • Increased abdominal size and persistent bloating (not bloating that comes and goes)
  • Persistent pelvic and abdominal pain
  • Unexplained change in bowel habits
  • Difficulty eating and feeling full quickly, or feeling nauseous

Other symptoms, such as back pain, needing to pass urine more frequently than usual, and pain during sex may be present in some women with the disease; however, it is most likely that these are not symptoms of ovarian cancer but may be the result of other conditions in the pelvic area.

What is Ovarian Cancer? How to get Involved?

This Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, The Eve Appeal want you to join them and hold a Virtual Make Time for Tea. Sign up today for your free fundraising pack, which will be sent via email, and Make Change Happen this March by catching up with friends, family and colleagues online, having some tea and raising money for a great cause.  

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